Ψηφιακά Μέσα, Επικοινωνία και Δημοσιογραφία (Digital Media Communication and Journalism)

ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ: 18 μήνες
ΠΟΛΗ: Θεσσαλονίκη
ΣΠΟΥΔΕΣ: Full-time

Combining practice-based learning with sustained theoretical reflection, the MA program is addressed to aspiring graduates and mid-career professionals in the fields of communication and journalism offering three distinct pathways:
- ‘Digital Media, Culture and Communication’ focuses on the new nexus between media, culture and society forged in the digital age. Specifically, it addresses the impact and implications of the digital transformation, with particular emphasis to the fields of media/cultural industries, connective media and civil society.
- ‘European Journalism’ focuses on the role of news media and journalism in the emergence of a European public sphere. Combining a cross-national comparative approach to European journalistic and news cultures with a hands on coverage of current European issues, the pathway explores the complexities and challenges regarding the reporting on Europe and the European Union.
- ‘Risk Communication and Crisis Journalism’ focuses on the ways media and public, private or non governmental organizations communicate about present, emerging, and evolving risks. Combining the methodical engagement with the rich theoretical and case study research literature with a hands on coverage of current crises and emergencies, the pathway explores the best practices in dealing with the issues of peace and war, environment, science and public health.
Admissions Process and Dates
The application period for the MA in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism starts on the 1st of February of each year. The application platform will remain open till September 6. There is no fixed closing date, however, since the program operates a rolling admisssions system. This means that admissions decisions will be made from the start of the application process and will continue to be made for as long as there are available places in the program. The maximum number of places in the program, for all three pathways, is 45. As a result, applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible for the earlier we receive your application, the sooner a decision can be made and a place can be secured.Admissions decisions are made on complete files only. As soon as your application is processed, we will send you an email with your application number and details of any additional documents needed. If there are any missing or illegible documents, you will need to submit these before your application proceeds to the next stage.
Once an application is complete, an applicant is notified in approximately one month of the decision. To begin the process, we recommend verifying you satisfy the entry requirements before accessing the online application form.
In order to complete its evaluation, the Selection Committee reserves the right to interview candidates (in person or via teleconference) and/or ask for samples of recent written academic work.
Decisions on admissions are made on the basis of academic merit and the availability of places. The decision sent to you will be one of the following:
- An unconditional offer: You satisfy all of the academic conditions required before entry and we are offering you a place.
- A conditional offer: You are offered a place if you satisfy certain conditions, such as English language or degree results.
- You are on a waiting list: More time will be needed before we make a final decision, usually in order to compare your application with a wider field of others received later on. You will be notified of our final decision by the end of August.
- You are on a reserve list: A limited number of applicants will be made a late offer, should a place become available. The reserve list is not ranked. We will send final decisions to reserve listed applicants by the end of August.
- We are unable to offer you a place: You do not satisfy some essential academic or language condition, or that the program is already full. In the latter case, you will be given the opportunity to be considered for a place for the following year. The decision is final and is not open to appeal.
Entry Requirements
- The MA in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism accepts applicants from a variety of disciplines, namely Journalism, Communication, Advertising Marketing, Political, Social and Cultural Studies, Economics, Comparative, European and International Studies, History, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Archaeology, History of Arts and Foreign Languages.
- Applicants must hold a degree from a Greek or a foreign university or advanced technological educational institute, at a 2.1 level or equivalent grade (eg. B, very good, etc).
- Professional or research experience relevant to the pathway you have applied for, will be taken into consideration, particularly in the case of pathways 2 & 3, that involve journalistic/ communication skills.
Engish Language Requirements
All teaching, course materials and coursework will be in English. Students whose native language is not English and/or whose principal language of university instruction was not English must provide evidence that they have sufficient command of both spoken and written English, which correspond at least to the level C1 of the Common European Framework (CEF) proficiency levels. Specifically, acceptable evidence includes:
- an overall score of at least 7 in the British Council IELTS test, or
- a score of at least 100 in the TOEFL iBT test, or 600 in the TOEFL PBT test, or
- a score of at least 76 in the PTE Academic test, or
- Cambridge English Advanced (CAE)
The pathway ‘Digital Media, Culture and Communication’ focuses on the new nexus between media, culture and society forged in the digital age. Specifically, it addresses the impact and implications of the digital transformation, with particular emphasis to the fields of media/cultural industries, connective media and civil society.
Learning Objectives
• Critical understanding of the new media environment
• Skills in digital content production
• Effective use of digital platforms and tools in engaging audiences
• Expertise in successfully trasitioning an organization to digitalCourse Structure
Semester Courses ECTS ΑCore Course DIM 101 – New Media: Theories and Perspectives
10 Α + Β Electives DIM 102 – Digital tools in new mediaDIM 104 – Television and Digital Cultures DIM 105 – New Media and Civil Society
DIM 106 – Media Psychology
DIM 107 – Media Management and Marketing Communications
DIM 108 – Network Society: Theories & Practices
DIM 109 – Mobile Travel Journalism
DIM 110 – Digital audiovisual content production and publishing
DIM 111 – Multimedia Journalism: Authoring for interactive media
MCC 400 – Communications Research Methods